Author: Ray

Wicked Problems, Nemetics, and Content

Wicked Problems, Nemetics, and Content

Ray Gallon presented a talk at the SOAP 2015 conference, in Krakow, Poland, applying theories of Nemetics to technical communications. The problem of complex technical information, and threading our way through it, can be perceived as a “wicked” problem – one which is highly dependent on sensitive conditions, and which is nearly impossible to solve. Nemetics provides an effective approach, not for solving, but for managing this complexity.

Higher Education and Globalization

Higher Education and Globalization

The forces influencing higher education in a digitally globalized, plurilingual, and intercultural world present a real and current challenge. This chapter by Neus Lorenzo and Ray Gallon from the book, New Voices in Higher Education Research and Scholarship, proposes some new directions for the evolution of higher education practice, with illustrative case studies. ​

eLearning, mLearning, and User Assistance

eLearning, mLearning, and User Assistance

In the slides from this presentation at TC World 2014, Ray Gallon explores the relationship between remote and mobile learning to traditional user assistance for software. Professional training has already moved, in great measure, from instructor-led classroom sessions to webinars. In a “mobile first” environment – always connected everywhere – mLearning is taking over. User Assistance is a specialised kind of learning. Should we be moving it out of the application and onto mobile devices? Everything will go mobile.​

Nemetics Visualization: Data and Big Data Analysis

Nemetics Visualization: Data and Big Data Analysis

In this training session Neus Lorenzo explains the nemetics system. Nemetics provides a mechanism for analysing complex communications and transmedia interactions. It uses units made up of conversational routines that can be quantified, visualised, and mapped in different shapes, according needs and the type of information treated. These visualisations are powerful tools for dealing with complexity.