
Learning to Cultivate Creativity

Learning to Cultivate Creativity

We are very pleased with the publication (June, 2020) of this chapter, in the book Pedagogies of Digital Learning in Higher Education, edited by Linda Daniela and published by Routledge. It explores how we combine human creativity and machine based, highly personalized learning processes, to optimize not only students’ experiences, but those of adult and non-traditional learners at all stages of life.

Transmedia and Transliteracy in Nemetical Analysis

Transmedia and Transliteracy in Nemetical Analysis

Nemetics is a fractal code, evolved in a meta-language to facilitate communication among researchers in different disciplines in order to debate about complexity. The Transformation Society and the International Nemetics Institute have developed a Nemetic view of the current phenomena of Transmedia and Transliteracy, and have presented it as a paradigm for analysis of complex phenomena.

Supporting minority laguages: 8ª Jornada ComparTIC

Supporting minority laguages: 8ª Jornada ComparTIC

The Transformation Society was invited by the UnEntretants organization in Valencia, Spain, to present a future vision of communication and networking in education from a connectivist approach. We presented interactive workshops at the ComparTIC-Conference 2016 for the “Xarxa Cooperativa d’experiències TIC per al’ensenyament del Valencià.” This activity widened our training impact in a minority language context.  The  UnEntretants Organization is a virtual community that facilitates contact between teachers and teacher educators from all educational levels.

Internationalizing leadership training: WFATE 2016 conference

Internationalizing leadership training: WFATE 2016 conference

The Transformation Society collaborated in the coordination of a thought-leadership group for the World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (WFATE) in Barcelona, April 2016. We conducted leadership training  in an intercultural environment that integrated university research, professional training, and personal development for attendees from 40 different countries. This biannual conference brings together a significant network of teacher educators with representatives from North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. 

Transforming research: Co-Chairs of an ATEE-RDC

Transforming research: Co-Chairs of an ATEE-RDC

Neus Lorenzo and Ray Gallon co-chaired the Primary and Pre-primary Teacher Education Research and Development Community (RDC) of The Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) from 2016-2019. It started with a workshop at the 41st annual ATEE Conference, in Eindhoven, Netherlands. The focus was to coordinate projects in University Teacher Education settings that can help future teachers meet the challenges of a globalized digital world.

Webinars with JBF and the UOC

Webinars with JBF and the UOC

Since 2015, the Transformation Society has collaborated with prestigious research institutions, such as Jaume Bofill Fundation and universities, like Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, to debate innovation methodologies for training and networking, and to engage influencers in social change.