This is a chapter in a book, Didactics of Smart Pedagogy, edited by Linda Daniela and published by Springer. In it, we cover the essentials needed to provide a sound pedagogical basis for the use of artificial intelligence and other “smart” technologies in newly designed classrooms known as smart learning spaces.
We don’t have the right to publish the chapter here, but here is the abstract:
Pedagogy has been defined as the discipline that deals with theoretical concepts and practical educational approaches. A smart pedagogy for digital transformation, where artificial intelligence will provide smart educational agents, needs to consider how technologies affect perceptions of reality, cognition, and social interactions. In the second decade of the twenty-first century, several international organizations, including the OECD and UNESCO, are converging on natural learning principles for a new pedagogy focused on achieving the United Nations goals for sustainable development. At the same time, notions about learning space have evolved due to the input of specialists from many disciplines. Even the term “space” has been redefined, with the advent of personal computers and mobile devices as elements that offer a window to the world. Educators today are facing a major paradigm shift, in the form of the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, that requires a rapid response through Information 4.0. New technologies and infrastructures enable learning to be personalized to each individual learner. Technological objects metamorphose from tools or environments into personified agents that help teachers evaluate the potential and progress of each learner and might eventually decide for them. Future challenges demand a humanistic approach to technological development in education